Have a Cup of Johanny
Where every "oops" is a gateway to "aha!" Join Johanny Ortega, the dynamic host of this one-woman show, as she takes you on a journey through the transformative power of self-reflection and learning from mistakes. In Have a Cup of Johanny Podcast, Johanny shares her personal experiences, from embarrassing moments to life-altering missteps, and shows you how to pivot and thrive through adversity. Each episode is packed with valuable insights and practical tips for self-improvement and personal growth that you can apply in all aspects of your life. Whether you're looking to boost your resilience, enhance your communication skills, or simply find inspiration, this podcast is your go-to source for motivation and empowerment. Don't miss out on these inspiring and actionable episodes to help you turn every setback into a stepping stone to success!
Have a Cup of Johanny
Dreams and Divination: Finding Comfort and Insight Through Spiritual Connections
Have you ever wondered if your dreams are more than just figments of your imagination? Join me as I share personal stories of encountering my pets, John and Lento, in dreams that felt like spiritual communications. Inspired by my grandmother's belief that dreams can be a farewell from the spirits, I dive into the mystical connection between dreams, divination, and messages from our departed loved ones. Discover how journaling before sleep can help process thoughts and emotions, potentially unlocking the hidden messages in your dreams.
The comfort found in dreams can be profound, especially when they feature those we've lost. I recount a dream of my beloved pet, Lento, that provided reassurance of his peaceful crossing over the rainbow bridge. The solace doesn't end there; tarot readings have also been a source of comfort during times of loss. A recent tarot experience brought peace to my mind, and I'm eager to invite you all to share your thoughts and engage with our community. Don't forget to leave your comments, rate the show, and share it with those you hold dear. Let's explore how dreams and tarot can offer profound comfort and insight into our lives.
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Oh we could, we could fly. Welcome to this new season of the have a cup of johanni podcast. So I want to title this new season that I'm embarking on with I'm growing, so this is going to be the season of growth and that's what I'm going to share with you throughout the season. So I thank you for coming over here and sitting with me and I hope you enjoy. Hello everyone, and welcome back to have a Cup of Johnny podcast. Today, we're going to talk about something a little bit more mystical, and that is how dreams and divination can act as a spiritual connection to the ones we've lost. This is something I've experienced firsthand and I can't wait to share it with you all. Are you ready? Of course you are. Let's go.
Speaker 1:When I lost my pets, john and Lento, I started noticing that they would show up in my dreams. She was the one that raised me, that sees people before they die, and she used to say that it was a way for the spirit to say their goodbyes before it leaves their body. That's how she explained it to me growing up, and she will often talk about these stories, and to my sister and I. Well, I don't know for my sister, but for me. I always kind of like, didn't pay too much attention to it, just because I was more like, ah, that's just grandma, you know, mama being mama, you know, thought she was more on the superstitious side than was normal, and things of that nature, and I just didn't give it too much weight to it. Here I am, as an adult now telling you that I've experienced it firsthand. So, yeah, maybe I should have listened, huh, so when it happened to me, it was like it was the same thing, like I just think it's normal. It's just me thinking about my pets, right, and things of that nature, and it's nothing to worry about. Just thought they were random memories that just came into my mind as I fell asleep.
Speaker 1:But I kept a journal because I like to do this experimentation between what is science, what is mystical, because there should be an explanation for everything there should be. And I was like let me jot down the thought that I had before going to bed to see how it relates to the dreams I may have, because I started thinking maybe that was the last thought that I went to bed with it was John and that's why then he showed up in my dream, and things of that nature, because that happens right After looking at my journal I found out that it was like unrelated. Everything that was on my mind before going to bed was unrelated. Now I did found something while doing that and that is that to journal before going to sleep can relieve myself of those thoughts and not have those thoughts populate and perk up. Especially unresolved things populate and perk up at two, three in the morning and wake me up. I got that out of that. So if you're like that, if you're like me, have a notebook next to you in bed or do your notes app on your phone or whatever other app on your phone, so that way you can write down your thoughts, your emotions and all of that before going to bed and relieve yourself of that.
Speaker 1:But when it comes to seeing Lento, I really just thought that it was just random and then I found out that it wasn't With John. It was weird because he went from being super okay to not being okay and it was just so sudden his decline. And then he went back and forth, back and forth to the vet and we will see just a little bit of progress. But then once they get to a certain age and they're so old that anything like the kidneys get shot or anything and this just goes down really fast. I'm like, why am I seeing John in my dreams? Why am I seeing him, like, just show up and show me a path or something like that? I think that's what the dream was, because he was healthy at that time. Well, I thought he was healthy at that time and it was just. I didn't think nothing of it. But now, thinking back about it, now I know that it was kind of like his way of saying I'm about to go or I'm gonna go.
Speaker 1:Now I understand that and with Lentil I remember seeing him, but I didn't think nothing of it either. And that's what's so weird. It's like I need to do better at paying more attention to my dreams, because I get so bogged down with everything else that I just don't think about that or don't put too much weight on it, kind of like how I did as a child with my grandmother. But with Lento it was something similar as well. He will peek from a place and then he will go away and then peek and look at me. And I knew it was him because, while I have three black cats, lento's face was round and his eyes very round, so he is shaped completely different. So he will peek his head from the shadows and look at me and then walk away and it was kind of like similar to what John was doing. And when I saw him in my dreams and I don't know if that is kind of like their way of saying I'm about to go. You know, this is me going away and I don't know, I don't know if it's just me, I don't know if other people have had like these dreams per se.
Speaker 1:But many cultures and spiritual traditions believe that dreams are a way of our loved ones, whether they're humans or pets, to kind of communicate with us. And some of these cultures are like a way to communicate with us after they passed. And some of these cultures are like a way to communicate with us after they pass. But from what my grandma told me growing up was that sometimes the spirit will detach itself and come see you before it leaves their body while they're still alive. And I think that's what happened with John and Lenton.
Speaker 1:Y'all are probably thinking like I'm so crazy. Oh God, I'm sorry y'all, but I'm telling you that's what happened. That's what happened and I don't know. I don't know, I don't know. You see even me talking about it Like I don't even believe myself. You know, I'm trying to find more logical explanation of why I would have these dreams. You know, and even I ask my husband sometimes I'm like what was? Did you put something on TV? Was there something that I was listening to? You know, because he stays awake longer than I do and sometimes I ask him that, especially when my dreams are particularly weird and very realistic. But, but, but, but right, I think insight into what we don't know not only comes through dreams, but also comes through divination.
Speaker 1:So yesterday was my very sad day of coping with losing my cat, lento, and I was just like, oh my God, I forced myself to do things just because I need to do those things and I can't afford to be a hermit and then just not come out, even though that's exactly what I want to do. Yesterday was just so tough and I really just wanted to be underneath my bed, underneath the sheets, and not come out. And I remember I came to my room after I was done and I cleansed the space and I went to my tarot card deck and I demanded that they tell me where my lentil is right now. I was so like, uh, just so over it. I'm like 2024 has got to finish already. And I pulled the 10 of cups and the first thing that I see is the rainbow and I started crying because it was almost like it was showing me that he is on that rainbow bridge. Then you see the happy family looking at the rainbow and everything, and I know that where he's at he's happy. I know that he's not in pain. I know that he's with family. I'm sure he's with John and Mama on the rainbow bridge just having a ball. And sometimes I think that that's how they try to say goodbye to me, john and Lenta, before they actually left.
Speaker 1:And perhaps these dreams are a reminder that love doesn't just disappear when somebody leaves the world. It continues on and sometimes dreams are just the space where that love shows up again and it reminds you that it's there. Who knows, who knows? But dreams and the tarot cards they don't replace the grief, right? I think they're more of a source of comfort for me. They remind me that while I may not have John and Lento here in the physical sense, they're still with me in other ways. That realization makes the heavy weight of the loss a little bit lighter.
Speaker 1:And if you ever had a dream about someone you've lost, don't be like me, don't dismiss it as just a dream. It might be the way of saying hello, of letting you know that they're about to go. Perhaps they're saying goodbye If they have passed on, perhaps they're letting you know that they're still around. And if you haven't had those dreams, maybe you can set an intention before bed to be open to receiving them if that is something that you want to receive. But I hope this episode encourage you to take a look at your dreams a little differently and to journal before bed, for sure, and after, if you have those weird dreams.
Speaker 1:Whether you believe in the spiritual connection or not, there's no denying that there's comfort that can come from seeing our loved ones that we lost in our dreams and that knowing that before we lost them they came to us in a dream. I think there's a lot of comfort in that and for sure, if you're like me and you have a tarot deck, I know I found comfort yesterday looking at that. I didn't know what I was going to pull, but I pulled that and it for sure helped me to feel more at ease with the knowledge that Lentil has found the rainbow bridge and was having fun. So thanks for tuning in today and I'll catch you on the next episode next week on have a Cup of Johnny podcast. See you next time, bye. Thank you so much for listening. I want to hear from you. Leave me a comment, do a rating if you can on the podcast, share it with somebody you love, but, most importantly, come back. See you next time, bye.